Would You Like Help To Discover Your Life Purpose So You Can Actually Do What You Were Put On Earth To Do And Live Life Fulfilled?

If you…

  • Feel like you’re just going through the motions and getting nowhere.
  • Spend day after day working in a job that drains you or stresses you out.
  • Seriously hope there’s more to life than this but don’t know what it is.
  • Want to make sure you make a difference...

If you keep on doing what you’ve always done you’ll keep on getting what you’ve always got!"

I invite you to join me for a FREE online seminar and embark on the journey to…

Discover Your Life Purpose & Walk in Your God Given Calling So You Can Start Living Life ON Purpose and Do What You Were Put On Earth To Do!

When? Wednesday 20th February 8pm UK, 3pm Eastern (If the time doesn't work for you register anyway and I'll be sure to send you a link to the replay

Where? It's online so you can join us wherever you happen to be.

Just enter your first name and email address so I can send you access to the LIVE online seminar and replay.

Knowing Your Life Purpose Will...

  • Give you a reason to get up in the morning every morning!
  • Help you get you out of the rat race.
  • Make it easier to make good decisions.
  • Free you from the pain of comparing yourself to other people who have a different focus and purpose for their life.
  • Give you the courage and confidence to say NO to things that God never intended for you to do. 
  • Help you to get on track and say on track

There will never be a better time to discover God’s plan for your life than this.

What you will learn on this FREE online seminar has the potential to transform the way you live your life forever!

Prepare to tap into what God wired you to do, awaken the GIANT within, and live life ON purpose.

Simply enter your name and email address so I can send you access to this FREE online life purpose seminar.

P.S. Everyone who registers will receive access to the replay.  So go ahead and register even if you can't join us live.

Who is Lynne Lee?

I'm a Christian Life Coach and Life Breakthrough Coach Trainer, and I've coached thousands of people to discover their calling and walk more closely with God.

I'm the author of How To Hear God and multiple coaching programs and coaching guides.

Amongst other things, my calling is to train Christians to coach themselves and other people to breakthrough, and help them to get the word out so they can help more people to breakthrough and live life as God intended.