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5 Min Life Coach: Living in the Favour of God (video replay available for limited time)
April 09, 2015
I've been enjoying focusing on the Lord, pressing in, and experiencing His blessing.

You don't need to be super-spiritual to do that... God meets you where you are and gently leads you into the more that He has for you.

God strongly supports those whose hearts are set on him.
But how do you walk in the favour of God on a daily basis?

Last week (April 2) during a live global broadcast to his private Soaring Into Your Destiny tribe (family), Gary Beaton shared a powerful message explaining five things that are crucial to living in the favour of God.

Yesterday (April 8) during a private call with my good friend Dr. Joseph Peck, Joseph agreed to make the video replay of "Living in the Favour of God" available at no cost to my followers for a limited time.

I am delighted to be able to share that opportunity with you. You will find the video at the top of this web page:

Gary is currently offering a 12-week training program "Soaring222: Discipling the Nations". You can learn more about that under the replay of living in God's favour.

Gary's first 12-week virtual training (Soaring777) preceding this was extremely popular with more than 400 people enrolled from many cities and nations around the world.

I encourage you to watch the video while it is available, I'm sure you will be blessed.

If you want to be in empowered, equipped, and strategically connected with other like-minded Christians around the world, I encourage you to consider joining me for the 12-week Soaring222 journey.

I was so excited when I learned about this training that I rearranged my schedule to be able to participate in the live seminars.

I believe we are in a period of acceleration and advancement in the Kingdom and we need to take hold and seize the day. God is empowering, equipping, and strategically connecting His followers to raise up a Joel 2 army. We need to be equipped, envisioned, and supported to win the battle.

Blessings to live in the favour of God daily!


We don't deserve God's favour, He freely shows favour to the ones who delight in, connect with, and give honour to Him. Humility is the key.

Isaiah 66:2 says, "These are the ones I look on with favour: those who are humble and contrite in spirit, and who tremble at my word."

"The eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him."

God is always on the alert, constantly on the lookout for people who are TOTALLY committed to him.

Don't look to man for help, look to the Lord your God when you need help, and know that He is faithful. When you make God your delight your burden will be lighter.

The great exchange!!!

"Give me all of you!!! I don’t want so much of your time, so much of your talents and money, and so much of your work. I want YOU!!! ALL OF YOU!!

I have not come to torment or frustrate the natural man or woman, but to KILL IT! No half measures will do. I don’t want to only prune a branch here and a branch there; rather I want the whole tree out! Hand it over to me, the whole outfit, all of your desires, all of your wants and wishes and dreams.

Turn them ALL over to me, give yourself to me and I will make of you a new self - in my image. Give me yourself and in exchange I will give you Myself. My will, shall become your will. My heart, shall become your heart.” C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity

2Chronicles 16:9 says, "The eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him." To be 'perfect' toward Him means we seek His favour more than we seek favour of anyone else.

That does not mean that everybody who prospers or healthy has found favour with God. And it doesn't mean that the people the Lord favours never suffer difficulties. Many people in the Bible had the Lord's favour but also suffered hardship.

Noah, Moses, Daniel, and Mary were favoured by God, but they struggled with difficulties like anyone else.

People who are favoured of God know that God is with them and that nothing can happen to them apart from His good purpose. They know He is with them as they walk through dark valleys, and they know that their struggle will not go unrewarded.

God IS faithful, and He rewards those who faithfully seek Him.


Life coach training

I encourage you to seriously consider joining me in one of the next life coach training classes so that you can get crystal clear about who you are in Christ and TRANSFORM YOUR OWN LIFE while being equipped to help other people have breakthroughs.

Christian Life Coach Training

If you already have a copy of my How To Hear God book and you've befitted from reading it, it will really help me if take time to leave a review :)

How to Hear God - Amazon USA

How to Hear God - Amazon UK


If you'd appreciate more regular updates and being able to connect with me more easily, I invite you to join me on Facebook where you'll find daily encouragement and inspiration.


If you have questions about Christian life coaching I invite you to listen to this recording. We answer your biggest questions about life coaching and coach training, and give you a taste of the power of coaching - a life coaching exercise that helps you to start transforming your life straight away. You will find the recording here.

Christian life coaching seminar


How you can support this ministry

So many people have asked how they can support my ministry, and requested that I make it easy to make donations, so I now have a donations page.

You can help me to help others by PRAYING as the Lord leads. I need wisdom, support, and encouragement to be able to continue serving the many people from all over the world who benefit from the resources they find on my coaching site.

This is where you can easily make a donation if that's what the Lord is leading you to do.

This is where you can easily make a donation

Lynne Lee is a Christian life coach and life coach trainer, who helps people to see themselves through God'e eyes and live life as He intended.

Copyright © 2014, all rights reserved. The 5 Minute Life Coach is a publication of Christian Life Coaching Permission is granted to reproduce, copy or distribute this newsletter provided that The 5 Minute Life Coach is kept intact, and this copyright notice and full information about contacting Lynne are included.

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