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5 Min Life Coach - What to do if you’re struggling to hear God January 18, 2012 |
Hello I have a very special offer for you today From the emails I'm getting it's clear that you want closer INTIMACY with God. So, until midnight on 19th January we are offering you 80% off the 8-module How To Hear God Speak coaching program. That means you can have me and Dr Joseph Peck alongside to help you hear God more clearly for just $97 that's around £63. Here are your steps to seize this opportunity to have us alongside to help you grow spiritually. 1) Go to 2) Click on "Click Here To Get Access Right Now" 3) Enter Coupon Code = HTHGS-CHRISTMAS2 Note: This coupon with the 80% discount expires on Jan 19 at midnight New York time. If you haven't watched our free introductory How To Hear God Speak webinar recently, this link will take you straight there Blessings as you choose to embark on this wonderful adventure with God! Lynne What's New?The life coach training program started on January 11th and I'm as excited as the students who went away inspired, enthused and knowing that they could help people much more effectively through life coaching. If you have questions about Christian life coaching I invite you to listen to the free online seminar where we answer your biggest questions about life coaching and give you a taste of the power of coaching, you'll find the recording here: Christian life coaching seminar Registration for the next life coach training program starting February 16th is open now! If you have been thinking about adding life coaching skills to your tool box then I recommend you check it out today. If you have questions after reading the details then simply reply to this email and I'll answer any questions you may have. Announcing the new life coaching clubI have many enquiries about coaching from people whose finances are limited. I want to be able to serve you whatever your circumstances so I will be launching a very affordable life coaching club in February. The investment will be as little as £10 or $15 a month, I'll update you as soon as everything is finalised. If you'd like more regular doses of inspiration I invite you to "like" my new Christian Life Coaching Facebook Page, it's a very easy way of connecting with me. Today's article shares what to do if you’re struggling to hear GodApplying today's message to your life will totally transform your walk with God so be sure to read, digest and apply… What to do if you're struggling to hear GodIf you're struggling to hear God and want to hear Him more clearly, identify the obstacles that are getting in the way and deal with them. When life gets busy spending time with God is one of the first things to get squeezed out. When you're pressed for time it's easy to forget to take a few moments to reflect and deliberately listen for God's still small voice. It's hard to hear God when you are too busy to stop, or stressed, or angry, or unwilling to forgive. And it's hard to hear God when you have already heard Him but taken little notice of what He has already said to you. Hearing God's Voice Is A Choice You can easily create obstacles to hearing God's voice without being aware that’s what you’re doing. God won't make you switch of your TV or turn off your computer or ignore your phone or deliberately take a break from things that swallow up your time because you find them so interesting. God wants you to spend time with Him and He is patiently waiting for you to stop and listen, but it is up to you whether or not you stop for long enough to hear what He is saying to you. To Do If You Want To Hear God's Voice More Easily If you really want to hear God speak to you I recommend you begin by => Expecting God to speak to you => Scheduling time to focus exclusively on hearing what God has to say to you If you continue to try to squeeze time with God in around your busy life you will continue to find it hard to hear His voice. Do You Really Want To Hear God? Sometimes you might unconsciously keep yourself busy so that you don't have much opportunity to hear what God is saying. You may not really want to hear what God has to say because you don't think you will like what he is likely to say to you about a situation in your life But life will work much better when you put yourself in a position to hear God. He loves you and He want the best for you and He knows the best way forward. Are You Afraid That What You Hear May Not Really Be From God? God's ability to communicate with you is much bigger than your ability to mistake what He is saying to you. God sees your heart and He knows your motives. If you genuinely mistake what He is saying to you He is more than capable of letting you know that you made a mistake and steering you in the right direction. Ask God to teach you how to recognize when He is speaking. He will show you how to recognize His voice if you ask Him. If you'd like help to hear God better go to and enter the code HTHGS-CHRISTMAS2 to get your 80% discount and get started right away What To Do When You Can't Hear God And He seems Far Away => Do not rely on your feelings, trust God's promises. => When God seems silent hold on to what you already know - what's the last thing God said? => God could be testing you - what do you really believe? => Don't start to doubt what you know => Don't compare yourself to other people => Beware of making things overcomplicated - faith is childlike => Walk by faith, not by sight God promised that He would never leave you or forsake you. God is always with you. When God seems silent, let Him guide you even in the apparent silence. Remember, and continue to believe that => God is guiding you now => He's guided you in the pasy => He will guide you in the future God's apparent silence is an invitation to take your eyes off the circumstance and to look to Jesus who is the author and finisher of your faith. Dare to trust God and draw even closer. And do take advantage of our very special offer so that we can come alongside and help you grow spiritually. 1) Go to 2) Click on "Click Here To Get Access Right Now" 3) Enter Coupon Code = HTHGS-CHRISTMAS2 Blessings for a wonder filled year Lynne Blog UpdatesHave you visited my Closer Walk With God blog recently? You'll find lots of inspiration to help you grow in God. Would you like some help to hear God more clearly?If you haven't yet seen highlights from the How To Hear God Coaching Program you can access the replay here It's wonderful to see how the people who opted to join us for the program are growing in spiritual awareness and learning how to hear God more clearly. If you are thirsty for more of God then make time to listen to the no cost replay, you'll be glad you did. Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier. Be the living expression of God's kindness: kindness in your face, kindness in your eyes, kindness in your smile." Mother Teresa More Previously Recorded Teleseminars Are Available To DownloadI'm gradually adding seminar replays to this page
Previous Christian Life Coaching Teleseminars
So if you missed a seminar you now have an opportunity to get instant access to great life changing inspiration for a nominal cost. 7 Powerful Keys To Unlock Your Life's PotentialThis audio series will help you to live life as God intended. It contains the very best of Janet Daughtry's Christian life coaching and is some of the best value coaching you will ever find. 7 Keys to unlock your potential The Journal - Journaling software that will help you to keep track of what God is saying to you and help you to organize your life. Did you manage to download and read through Be Your Own Life Coach Now? I hope your free gift isn't sitting on your hard drive gathering dust. If it is, do make time to open it and use it to start transforming your life. You'll be glad you did. If you can't remember where you filed it - here is a link so you can download it again. Just right click and select 'save as'. If you begin to change even one small thing you will begin to see a difference. Imagine what would happen if you changed just one small thing each week... Spread The WordPlease feel free to share The 5 Minute Life Coach with your friends and associates so that they can benefit too. All I ask is that you observe the copyright guidelines below. If you have a business you might like to check out my other blogs, they are all packed with useful resources to help you be more effective. Haven't subscribed yet?If you're reading this newsletter on the recommendation of a friend and would like to receive all the future editions and your own free guide - Be Your Own Life Coach Now - you can subscribe here If you have any comments, or content ideas I'd love to hear from you, just hit reply. Remember to check out the many free resources on my website. Lynne Lee is a Christian life coach, who helps people to see themselves through God'e eyes and live life as He intended. Copyright © 2012, all rights reserved. The 5 Minute Life Coach is a publication of Christian Life Coaching Permission is granted to reproduce, copy or distribute this newsletter provided that The 5 Minute Life Coach is kept intact, and this copyright notice and full information about contacting Lynne are included.
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